Three Sages Advice On Dealing With That Uncomfortable Feeling of "Hurt":
Question: How does one who understood Non-dual Oneness manage 'relationships' with others in the mundane
day to day world -- especially in situations of annoying actions/words; avoidable remarks, unfair judgments
etc. of 'others' and the inevitable reactions they produce within one's body?
Even if we justify
or explain away all such things to be nothing but another manifestation of Oneness, all
of it looks to be a drain on energy!
Peter Dziuban:
What has been most
helpful "here" is first, to recognize that anything that appears
to be done/said in that way is done out of ignorance of who they really
are. And that seeming ignorance is no fault of their own. The
behavior isn't condoned, but the apparent individual isn't condemned
for it either. Then, all you can do is forgive and be Love. That's
Eckhart Tolle:
How do I respond to another's pain-body (hurting me)? (7 min)
Rupert Spira:
How to Deal with Abusive situation - some one attacking verbally or behaving in a hostile way (4 min):
How to Deal with Abusive situation - some one attacking verbally or behaving in a hostile way (4 min):
If someone said something that is hurtful, it helps finding who
you are:(13:40 min):
Crumbling the 'cookie' that covers up the uncomfortable feeling (about 12 min):