Scientists are now able to tease out how the 100 billion neurons and their interconnections in the brain create a world for you. Dr. Henry Markram "uses complex models to precisely simulate the human brain top layers in 3D..... it has been edging up on some deep, contentious philosophical questions about the mind ."
You can have a peek at his work in the TED video at: Henry Markram: A brain in a supercomputer | TED Talk
Advaita philosophy tells in unequivocal terms that the perceived world is an illusion. The world we create is nothing more than a thought. It is merely a "castle in the air." We build the castle because of the force of our past impressions – the Vedantic term is vasanas. We trap ourselves in that bubble of a castle, our own creation. And being caught up in the imaginary world of ours is described as "bondage." You cannot even destroy this world because you cannot physically hammer to pieces a purely imaginary construction which is not really there. "Freedom" or "Moksha" is to jump out of it and just “Be.”
Will modern neuroscience take us nearer to the Truth that advaita has been telling us for millennia of years?
what a bunch of solipcistic BS. neuroscience proves NOTHING , neuroscience is not even understood yet.
try again.
Yes, the information from the past. SURE. the brain just gets info from the past os what is red what isnt red. Retarded article
and there is no "disconnect" from reality and our perception. you are directly perceiving reality, dumbass.
please correct this line.
"Scientists are now able to tease out how the 100 billion neurons and their interconnections in the brain can make YOU PERCEIVE THE WORLD. Dr. Henry Markram "uses complex models to precisely simulate the human brain top layers in 3D..... it has been edging up on some deep, contentious philosophical questions about the mind ." "
Thank you Anonymous for the suggestion.
I agree that would make the sentence more appropriate.
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