An Experiential Expression Of "Self-Realization"
(1) “Eko Brahman Dwiteeyo Nasti” so is “Eko Brahmand Dwiteeyo Nasti”. “Multitude of universes” is a myth. As THAT is bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest therefore infinitely many universes differing in nature (with finite or infinite attributes including no attribute which is SHUNYA) and dimensions (finite or infinite including zero) may appear to get created and dissolved in THAT. As human beings are finite in nature/attributes as well as dimensions, their vision is limited so they try to measure infinite with a finite scale which is not possible and with that in view THAT IS AGAM, AGOCHAR, ANADI, ANANT, etc. (Unmoving, Unperceivable, Beginningless, Infinite etc.) inaccessible to the mind and intellect. An entity which is within the whole (THAT) encompassing everything cannot understand THAT. Our imagination, logic, concepts do contemplate within the limits of our vision, thinking and imaginative faculty. Hence conceiving of THAT and THAT’S manifestations those too with our bounded logic is impossible. There is nothing impossible for THAT. Personification is our imagination thus making THAT a finite entity with vacant space around while THAT encompasses whole universe within it and is within each entity howsoever small it is. All opposites can be visualized to exist together in THAT. Nothing is simpler than THAT and nothing is more difficult than THAT. When a “learned person” tries to “explain” THAT, all logics fail to take him/her to any conclusion, success in answering one question leads to many more complicated questions. THAT is so merciful to those who have, by That’s KIND GRACE, surrendered to THAT that no “question/doubt” remain in their minds as their explanation mostly precedes. What a contrast! One continues to traverse in “search” of THAT while THAT remains within him/her. We are walking lined up in closed paths and randomly removed (die) or added (take birth) to those. These paths are perfectly flexible so that any number can be removed and any number can be added. THAT is most flexible. Pulsations of varying degrees and dimensions continue in THAT and those manifest in the form of “creations” and “dissolutions” including the “great dissolution”. THAT is beyond the cause-effect relationship. So question of material or non-material cause(s) does not arise. Everything emerges from THAT and dissolves in THAT or THAT creates/dissolves THATSELF in finite or infinite forms.
(2) Two distinct paths we have to follow – one for self (the actor in this worldly drama) and the other for realization of SELF. An actor performs multiple roles in life but does not carry them along after a particular act is over. But he/she lives a single life and maintains continuity with the past events in real life and plans for future too. His/her real and reel lives are quite different and at times may be even contrary. We should distinguish the two roles of self and SELF. While self needs to wear costumes, utter dialogues, etc as required for a particular role and as directed but for SELF opening up of all envelopes/costumes/shells gradually leading to ANAND stage and finally to be ONE with THAT is required. While for self there is no defined path (each moment may need a different path), for SELF there is only single PATH and single GOAL While self of Lord Krishna is a cowherd, does Rasleela in Vrindavan, kills Kans and many more, leaves Mathura and establishes at Dwarka, etc. , SELF of Lord Krishna awakens Arjuna. At the end of the role in the worldly drama the self merges with earth and SELF with THAT.
[Dr. H.K.N. Trivedi is a doctorate in Mathematics. He retired from the Govt. of India in a senior position. In a recent mail exchange, he shared with me his experience of “Self-realization.” He had this to say when I requested his permission to post his mail at the Blog:
“All the words, expressions, feelings, etc. even putting them on paper belong to THAT and therefore, belong to all. Nothing is mine anymore. I hope, Sir, you will very kindly agree that "permission" is indicative of "possessiveness" which is non-existent in this "path". Indeed we are blessed ones and THAT has been very very kind to us. Not only for "today" but for all "todays", kindly use and communicate THAT's grant as THAT inspires."
The above response is a clear indication that there is no more an ‘ego’ left there. Below is his unedited mail. I did not include a byline of authorship as an honor and respect to that Oneness that appears in the form of my dear friend Dr. Trivedi – ramesam.]
An Experiential Expression Of "Self-Realization"
I "enjoyed" last week's physical illness as THE SUPREME guided me on following two issues:
(1) “Eko Brahman Dwiteeyo Nasti” so is “Eko Brahmand Dwiteeyo Nasti”. “Multitude of universes” is a myth. As THAT is bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest therefore infinitely many universes differing in nature (with finite or infinite attributes including no attribute which is SHUNYA) and dimensions (finite or infinite including zero) may appear to get created and dissolved in THAT. As human beings are finite in nature/attributes as well as dimensions, their vision is limited so they try to measure infinite with a finite scale which is not possible and with that in view THAT IS AGAM, AGOCHAR, ANADI, ANANT, etc. (Unmoving, Unperceivable, Beginningless, Infinite etc.) inaccessible to the mind and intellect. An entity which is within the whole (THAT) encompassing everything cannot understand THAT. Our imagination, logic, concepts do contemplate within the limits of our vision, thinking and imaginative faculty. Hence conceiving of THAT and THAT’S manifestations those too with our bounded logic is impossible. There is nothing impossible for THAT. Personification is our imagination thus making THAT a finite entity with vacant space around while THAT encompasses whole universe within it and is within each entity howsoever small it is. All opposites can be visualized to exist together in THAT. Nothing is simpler than THAT and nothing is more difficult than THAT. When a “learned person” tries to “explain” THAT, all logics fail to take him/her to any conclusion, success in answering one question leads to many more complicated questions. THAT is so merciful to those who have, by That’s KIND GRACE, surrendered to THAT that no “question/doubt” remain in their minds as their explanation mostly precedes. What a contrast! One continues to traverse in “search” of THAT while THAT remains within him/her. We are walking lined up in closed paths and randomly removed (die) or added (take birth) to those. These paths are perfectly flexible so that any number can be removed and any number can be added. THAT is most flexible. Pulsations of varying degrees and dimensions continue in THAT and those manifest in the form of “creations” and “dissolutions” including the “great dissolution”. THAT is beyond the cause-effect relationship. So question of material or non-material cause(s) does not arise. Everything emerges from THAT and dissolves in THAT or THAT creates/dissolves THATSELF in finite or infinite forms.
(2) Two distinct paths we have to follow – one for self (the actor in this worldly drama) and the other for realization of SELF. An actor performs multiple roles in life but does not carry them along after a particular act is over. But he/she lives a single life and maintains continuity with the past events in real life and plans for future too. His/her real and reel lives are quite different and at times may be even contrary. We should distinguish the two roles of self and SELF. While self needs to wear costumes, utter dialogues, etc as required for a particular role and as directed but for SELF opening up of all envelopes/costumes/shells gradually leading to ANAND stage and finally to be ONE with THAT is required. While for self there is no defined path (each moment may need a different path), for SELF there is only single PATH and single GOAL While self of Lord Krishna is a cowherd, does Rasleela in Vrindavan, kills Kans and many more, leaves Mathura and establishes at Dwarka, etc. , SELF of Lord Krishna awakens Arjuna. At the end of the role in the worldly drama the self merges with earth and SELF with THAT.
With best regards
H K N Trivedi
Added on 28 Mar 2012:
Dr. Trivedi sent the following mail on the night of 27 Mar 2012 clarifying further on some points:
"Mind, intellect and ego are the most prominent functional features of Maya and their functionality is essential for role play in the worldly drama.
Sharpness of the edge is important for a knife, a sword, etc. but only till they are in use. No body talks about the sharpness of the sword placed in a museum or a knife that has been thrown away.
H K N Trivedi
Added on 28 Mar 2012:
Dr. Trivedi sent the following mail on the night of 27 Mar 2012 clarifying further on some points:
"Mind, intellect and ego are the most prominent functional features of Maya and their functionality is essential for role play in the worldly drama.
Sharpness of the edge is important for a knife, a sword, etc. but only till they are in use. No body talks about the sharpness of the sword placed in a museum or a knife that has been thrown away.
With physical death of the body (i.e. when body goes out of use or the role play), mind, intellect and ego automatically vanish in the case when the SELF has gone out of cycle of rebirth; otherwise they continue with Jeeva as samskaras.
When the clarity of reel and real life are attained, the ceaseless mind ceases collection of information, the intellect (devoid of information) stops its analysis and synthesis activity and consequently ego’s role play vanishes and this opens the way to get out of the rebirth cycle.
THAT took me on an extensive tour showing how individuals or group of individuals claim ownership of material possessions, pieces of land, sky, etc. but what happens after they die and told that all these come
under Maya.
THAT closed the TALK with the following: Wake up forever; no more “sleep”, no more “dreams”.
With best regards
H K N Trivedi
THAT took me on an extensive tour showing how individuals or group of individuals claim ownership of material possessions, pieces of land, sky, etc. but what happens after they die and told that all these come
under Maya.
THAT closed the TALK with the following: Wake up forever; no more “sleep”, no more “dreams”.
With best regards
H K N Trivedi